Here we go!

Two years ago I picked up my Mom’s DSLR camera and decided to learn how to use it. I got out the manual and jumped on youtube and was immediately OVERWHELMED. I then decided to take an in real life class with my awesome wedding photographers-Two Chics Photography (whose work wallpapers my house, who are awesome gals who I basically worship) I LOVED their class and was in LOVE with photography. I had rented a camera for their workshop and ended up getting my very own a few weeks later (for Valentine’s Day from my honey bunny in the photo below #swoon)

SO I have been taking “real” photos for 2 years, I took another class thanks to the Clickin’ Moms website (also obsessed with) and I started to actually gain some confidence and decided to take photos of people I knew and not just my dogs. So here I am, currently growing my portfolio, continuing education in photography, and working on saving money for the pro camera of my dreams.

I am a stay at home Mom by day (of that cutie patutie in the photos), a crazy wine drankin’ editing fool by night, and a nutcase most of the time.

Join me on this journey, won’t you?

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